Social media and blogging are the
hottest trends in internet marketing and client outreach these days, but email marketing campaigns are still a vital marketing tool. However, you need to make
sure your emails stand out and provide useful information and actionable tools.
Otherwise your clients might immediately drop your emails in the trash or
regulate them to the dreaded spam folder. The trick is to use email just as you
would any other dynamic social media tool. This may require retraining your
brain to think different about newsletters and the like. The key to a
successful email campaign is one that encourages participation, not one that
dryly disseminates information.
Offer a free email based industry
course where you share knowledge that you do not share on your blog or other
social channels. People always want to
learn something new and even if you aren't in the habit of sharing industry
secrets through a blog, you can probably find one or two things about your
industry that your clients would love to know.
Your email course shouldn't be long, 3-7 email lessons will work. This
approach builds loyalty and industry authority. Your subscribers will view you
as an industry leader and teacher. This will keep them coming back to your
business for future services.
This traditional method of email
marketing will never go out of style. The trick is to offer deals sparingly and
intersperse with other email marketing efforts. If you send out a deal email
every week then you’re customers will lose interest and your e-newsletters will
end up in the spam folder. Worse yet, they might become annoyed with your
business altogether and move onto a competitor with a more dynamic email campaign.
Many email campaign applications
allow you to create tiered email marketing campaigns that generate a unique
email based upon the actions of your customer. This helps keeps your email
responses social and personal so that you can cultivate strong client
relationships. It also prevents you from being viewed as spam. No one likes
receiving an email advertising a product they already bought or a service for
which they've no interest. Targeted email responses will prevent this and help
you come across as a more caring and attentive business.
The effectiveness of an email
marketing campaign is all in how you use it. Updating your style to one that is
more socially engaging will grow client relationships and build business.
Remember to have be engaging, add some variety and always be strategic.
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