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Monday, August 25, 2014

Enhancements to Split Expense Feature

Did you know Certify has the ability to split one big expense into several smaller expenses? And that you can add a receipt to each of those expenses?

If you've done an expense reports , you might have run into a situation where a single expense line item represents a total of charges across several different expense categories and dates. For example, you have an expense report with a lodging receipt included. The room charge, associated taxes, and meals are clearly itemized on the final lodging receipt, but these need to be split out on the expense report.

In Certify, the original expense is called the Parent expense, and each expense split out is called the Child expense. Each Child expense can be assigned to a different expense category as needed, so you can easily split this expense on your report.

To split out the meal expenses in the example above, create a split expense in the using the following steps: Step 1

From within your Draft expense report, click the double arrows (>>) in the Expense column to open the Other Actions menu. From the Other Actions menu, select the Split Expense option. Step 2

On the Split Expense page, enter the expense details for the expense you would like to split out from the Parent expense.

Read more about this article HERE.


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